Terrazzo is a material that carries a lot of history. By the 80’s and 90’s, it had already become the standard building material for floors in schools, office blocks and hospitals. To us, terrazzo acts as a link to this era.
Terrazzo is a composite material made by mixing marble, granite, quartz or glass chips into a cement or epoxy binder. After hardening, it is polished down to expose the chips and is then cleaned, sealed and waxed. The result of this meticulous process is a material that looks like a kaleidoscope of its parts. The mix of different stones and pieces create patterns and textures that change depending on lighting and perspective.
Terrazzo’s history traces back to 16th century Venice, Italy, where artisans turned trash into treasure. After building for Venice’s nobility, artisans would collect the leftover marble and other materials and secretly take it home with them, where they would repurpose the materials to decorate their own terraces. Over the course of time, this style became its own uniquely beautiful craft.
Though terrazzo has a long history of five centuries, it’s experiencing a rebirth, making frequent appearances as the material of choice in luxury boutiques, stylish cafés, and even museums. With its newfound popularity, terrazzo is no longer restricted to floors; it’s used for display shelves, bar counters and even building façades. These spaces have found unique ways to make beautiful use of terrazzo:
Valentino Flagship Store in Rome, Italy
B30 in Hague, Netherland
Taschen Book Store in Milan, Italy
Five Elephant Cafe in Berlin, Germany
Neues Museum in Berlin, Germany
Fondazione Prada Bar Luce in Milan, Italy
The Brynat Residence in New York City, US
早在水磨石“走红”前,MASS DESIGN便将之视作标志性材料,而且对MASS建筑师来说,水磨石是一种具有“建筑”气质的材料,绝非出于装饰的目的,它能化身为建筑的有机组成部分,游走于室内室外空间。精湛的手工艺不但赋予了它光滑洁亮的质感,更令其蕴藉丰厚,暗示了过去与未来,充满创造力与无穷可能性。
Long before terrazzo’s arrival back en vogue, it was a signature material for MASS DESIGN. According to MASS’s architects, terrazzo possesses the true nature of a building material. When an artisan works with terrazzo, they are not forcing a material to their will; instead, they are choosing a material that already embodies the organic components of a building, and incorporating it throughout the space. This careful handiwork creates a final product that feels sleek, clean and bright. A space designed with terrazzo is elevated and cultured while restrained and generous, both reminding us of the past and inspiring us to contemplate the future.
All images are taken from their respective webpages.
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